Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Transaction Log for Microsoft Access Database

Here is one of the most useful pieces of code I have every come accross the Internet for programming an access database. This code will track all changes made by a user, meaning it will keep track of what data was changed, who changed it and when it was changed. This functionality is usually called a transaction log or a change log. I have copied the code directly from this page:http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=291 . The code was written by Michael Red a regular contributor at Tek-tips, which is a wonderful website that I have used many times for finding answers to many programming questions.

I have learned a few things not explained in his original code:

1) Put this code in a Module.
2) Call the basLogTrans function from the BeforeUpdate event of any form that you want to track changes.
3) Pass 3 values to the basLogTrans function: FormName, Name of Field with Unique ID, and the Unique ID.
In my implementation, I use Me as the form name, "CustomerID" as the Unique ID field, and CustomerID to pass the actual customer id value. So here is how I would call the basLogTrans function:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

Call basLogTrans(Me, "CustomerId", CustomerId)

End Sub

4) Mike says the code will work only on a form formated as single form, but I see it also works on a datasheet form.
5) He alos says that Access Security needs to be enabled, but I'm not sure it's true. When I used his original code for CurrentUser(), I got back "Admin" as the user that was making changes. But what I really want to know is the NT User ID of whoever is making the changes, therefore, I use Environ("Username"). If you have problems with the Environ function, please see here how to enable the Environ Function properly.
6) The rest of the instructions are pretty clear, but just to be safe, remember to add a reference for DAO, bind the form to a table, but who's to say this won't work on a Select Query? I don't know, why don't you tell me later? Make 2 tables, one called tblHist and the other tblHistMemo. First create tblHist, with the fields indicated in code comments in the function called basAddHist, then make a copy of it, name it tblHistMemo and change the OldVal and NewVal fields to datatype Memo.

That's it, it should work easily.

All this needs to be placed in a Module, and called from the BeforeUpdate event of a form.

Public Function basLogTrans(Frm As Form, MyKeyName As Variant, MyKey As Variant) As Boolean

'Michael Red 8/1/2002 Transaction log for Ms. Access BOUND forms.

'The following three functions and table definitions are
'(should be) sufficient to establish a 'poor mans' transaction
'log for Ms. Access bound forms.

'As noted in basAddHist, you will need to create the tables
'for History (general fields) and Memo History (history of
'JUST memo fields).

'Also, note that these functions are designed to work in
'conjunction with Ms. Access Bound forms where the view is
'set to single form. Further, the history will only capture
'the user if the db App is "secured".

'In the following, "MyKey" refers to the Record ID (Unique value)
'for the single record which the form is 'tied' to.

Dim MyDb As DAO.Database
Dim MyCtrl As Control
Dim MyMsg As String
Dim Hist As String

'In the Statement block below, basFlgValidRec is a routine which
'includes validation of all fields necessary to 'define' a record
'is valid. Commented out here, as I do not know what validation
'rules need to be checked/enforced.

' If (Not basFlgValidRec) Then
' basLogTrans = False 'Let User know of FAILURE!!
' Exit Sub
' End If

For Each MyCtrl In Frm.Controls
If (basActiveCtrl(MyCtrl)) Then 'Consider replacing w/ test for "ControlSource"
If ((MyCtrl.Value <> MyCtrl.OldValue) _
Or (IsNull(MyCtrl) And Not IsNull(MyCtrl.OldValue)) _
Or (Not IsNull(MyCtrl) And IsNull(MyCtrl.OldValue))) Then
If (MyCtrl.ControlType = dbMemo) Then
Hist = "tblHistMemo"
Hist = "tblHist"
End If
Call basAddHist(Hist, Frm.Name, MyKey.Name, MyCtrl)
End If
End If
Next MyCtrl

basLogTrans = True 'Let User know sucess

End Function
Public Function basActiveCtrl(Ctl As Control) As Boolean
Select Case Ctl.ControlType

Case Is = acTextBox
basActiveCtrl = True

Case Is = acLabel
Case Is = acRectangle
Case Is = acLine
Case Is = acImage
Case Is = acCommandButton
Case Is = acOptionButton
Case Is = acCheckBox
basActiveCtrl = True
Case Is = acOptionGroup
Case Is = acBoundObjectFrame
Case Is = acListBox
basActiveCtrl = True
Case Is = acComboBox
basActiveCtrl = True
Case Is = acSubform
Case Is = acObjectFrame
Case Is = acPageBreak
Case Is = acPage
Case Is = acCustomControl
Case Is = acToggleButton
Case Is = acTabCtl

End Select
End Function
Public Function basAddHist(Hist As String, Frm As String, MyKeyName As String, MyCtrl As Control)

'FrmName Text 80 Name of the form where change Occured
'FldName Text 80 Field Name of the changed value
'dtChg Date/Time 8 Date/Time of Change (MACHINE value!!)
'OldVal Text 255 Field Value BEFORE change
'NewVal Text 255 Field Value after change
'UserId Text 50 User who Made Change
'MyKey Variant ?? KeyField as Indentified by Caller
'MyKeyName Text 80 'Key Field Contents

'tblHistMemo is the same structure except the "type" for the fields
'OldContents and NewContents are Memo (and therfore the length is "??")

Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim tblHistTable As DAO.Recordset

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set tblHistTable = dbs.OpenRecordset(Hist, dbOpenDynaset)

With tblHistTable
!MyKey = Forms(Frm).Controls(MyKeyName)
!MyKeyName = MyKeyName
!frmName = Frm
!FldName = MyCtrl.ControlSource
!dtChg = Now()
' !UserId = Environ("Username") 'Orlando's Way
!UserId =CurrentUser() 'Mike's way, example of current user would be Admin
!OldVal = MyCtrl.OldValue
!NewVal = MyCtrl
End With

End Function


Anonymous said...

Have you any ideas how to log deletions at the similar way?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am not a very experienced programmer and I am having some difficulty getting the code you provided to work. I get a ByRef argument type mismatch in the Call basLogTrans(formName, "ID", ID) line. Any ideas what the problem might be? Do you have an example of a working form that you could post?


Unknown said...

How does this code work with changes to sub forms?