Sunday, March 13, 2005

Sarbanes Oxley Compliance tip for Access Database

I created an Access database for an audit procedure to compare data from PeopleSoft and our Human Resources Information System (HRIS). Based on this weekly audit process, a table is created; the table lists timecards that are unbilled or missing from PeopleSoft. And every week our Billing Accountants are supposed to review this table and update the status of the timecard. So to comply with Sarbanes Oxley, I created a form that logs the Billing Accountant’s Windows User ID when he or she changes the timecard’s status.

On the change event of the “Status” combo box, there is VBA code that updates two text boxes on the form. The first text box is called txtChangedBy and the second text box is called txtChangedDate. These two text boxes are linked to an underlying table and map to appropriate table fields. Whenever the Billing Accountant changes the timecard’s status, his Windows User ID and his computer’s system time are logged. And there you have it, a Sarbanes-Oxley compliant Access database.

Private Sub Billing_Status_Change()

Me!txtChangedBy = Environ("USERNAME")
Me!txtChangedDate = Now()

End Sub

**Please note that for the Environ function to work, Excel’s macro security level must be set to low. This means you better have some good anti-virus protection.

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